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Northern Midlands hold level of general rates to level of inflation of 5.9%

Posted on June 27, 2023

Northern Midlands Council adopted a $31.4 million budget for 2023/24 at the Council meeting last night which included a proactive $20.3 million capital works program.

Mayor Mary Knowles, advised that Council agreed to hold the General Rate this year to the level of inflation of 5.9%. In addition, the State Fire Commission levy will increase 2.5% in the urban areas and 6.6% in the rural area, and Kerbside Collection charges will increase 20%.

Council will continue to maintain similar operating service levels as last year, and support local community with a small grants program and special event funding rounds.

Council’s emphasis in 2023/24 is to continue to deliver major capital works items, including:

  • Extension and refurbishment of the Longford Memorial Hall $4.0m;
  • Commence Main Street Improvement works of Campbell Town, Longford and Perth $5.8m;
  • Replacement/upgrade of 3 concrete bridges on Liffey Road, Jones Road and Blackwood Creek Road after October 2022 flood damage $1.1m;
  • Reconstruction of sections of Bishopsbourne Road near Toiberry rail crossing, and Ashby Road at Ross $1.0m;
  • Development of a new public reserve at the corner of Laycock/Pultney/Wellington Streets, Longford $0.5m;
  • Continuation of the urban street footpath program $0.9m;
  • Construction of new amenities at the Longford Caravan Park $0.45m;
  • Road reconstruction, kerb and footpath for Youl Main Road, Perth $0.35m;
  • Provision of an entrance statement on the Illawarra Road roundabout to Longford $0.2m;
  • Playground Equipment upgrades at the Train Park at Perth, Pioneer Park at Evandale, and Bartholomew Park at Cressy $0.5m; and
  • Implementation of large street bins and purchase of a small waste compactor vehicle $0.3m.

A three (3) instalment payment system will again be offered in 2023/24. Ratepayers may also take advantage of a 0.5 percent discount allowed on Rates & Charges if paid by 31 August 2023.

Ratepayers are encouraged to obtain a copy of Council’s 2023/24 Annual Plan which outlines Special Projects, Capital Works and other tasks/targets to be achieved over the next 12 months. This is available on Council’s website at

For further details please contact Mayor Knowles on 0408 766 625.