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Devon Hills Neighbourhood Watch and Residents Management Committee
Local Recycling Committee

Membership of the Local Recycling Committee comprises of ten (10) members, including:

  • 7 Community Members
  • 2 Councillors
  • 1 Council Officer 

View the Local Recycling Commitee MOU here. 

Download a membership application form here.


Community Members

  1. Vacant
  2. Vacant
  3. Vacant
  4. Vacant
  5. Vacant
  6. Vacant

Council Members

  1. Councillor 
  2. Councillor 
  3. Northern Midlands Council Officer



Bicycle Advisory Committee

Residents and representatives from community interest groups are appointed as members of the Bicycle Advisory Committee, in particular membership comprises the following sectors:

  • One Health Sector Representative
  • One Recreation Sector Representative
  • Four Community Members representing the cycling community
  • Two Northern Midlands Council Councillors

As a Special Committee of Council, members are appointed and meet in accordance with the Terms of Reference to provide advice and recommendations on:

  • Preparation of the Northern Midlands Council: Municipal Bicycle and Shared Path Plan; and
  • Implementation of actions identified in the Northern Midlands Council: Municipal Bicycle and Shared Path Plan that include:
    • Planning for the development of bicycle pathways and routes which link key assets of our municipality;
    • Prioritisation of developments, ensuring changes are coordinated and reflect the needs of the community and users;
    • Improvements to the safety of users and community members accessing the bicycle pathways;
    • Opportunities to increase participation in cycling usage across the municipality.

The Terms of Reference is available here.

The term of appointment is until June 2026.  Download your application form here.



Community Representatives:


Council Members:

  • Councillor 
  • Councillor 
  • Northern Midlands Council Officer