Media Release - Northern Midlands Council respond to COVID-19
Posted on March 19, 2020
Northern Midlands Council respond to COVID-19
The Federal and State Governments have implemented a number of measures in an effort to contain the spread of Coronavirus. Likewise Council has introduced complementary measures in an effort to protect staff, volunteers and residents, whilst maintaining the highest possible service levels.
Measures introduced in relation to Council facilities and buildings include:
- Council managed buildings, swimming pools and information centres are closed to the public.
- The meeting rooms at the Council offices in Smith Street, Longford will be closed to the public for meetings until further notice.
- Council operated child care facilities at Perth Early Learning Centre, Cressy and Avoca will continue to operate as usual until further notice.
Council buildings and facilities that are managed by committees or privately leased:
- Sports facility clubrooms, caravan parks, libraries (Ross, Longford & Campbell Town), Longford Community Sports Centre (Health Revival Gym), Falls Park, Campbell Town & District Men’s Shed at Ross, etc. are the responsibility of the management committee, business operator or lessee to manage in regard to the COVID-19 pandemic. These operators should provide separate advice as to their day to day operations and any possible closures.
In addition, Council has:
- Suspended all non-essential capital works where possible. Only emergency maintenance and essential services are to be maintained.
- Animal Control Officers will fulfill normal duties responding to dogs wandering at large and dog attacks until further notice.
- Cancelled all non-essential meetings, programs and events including Youth Services, Local District Committees and Special Committees of Council.
- Some public toilet facilities have been temporarily closed, to facilitate more frequent and thorough cleaning at those facilities that remain open.
Mayor Knowles said,
“The Northern Midlands Council is taking these measures so that we support government efforts to manage the risk and spread of COVID-19 whilst maintaining essential services.”
“The situation is changing rapidly and we encourage our residents to familiarise themselves with the advice provided by the Tasmanian Department of Health, follow directives and take the necessary precautions.”
“We appreciate the support of our community during this time of unprecedented uncertainty and urge you to exercise restraint and compassion in these trying times.”
Mary Knowles OAM
For further information, please contact Mayor Mary Knowles on 0408 766 625.