Media Release - Temporary Closure of Playgrounds and Barbecues
Posted on March 24, 2020
Northern Midlands Council closes playground and barbecue areas in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
As a necessary means to slow the spread of Coronavirus, Council has introduced further measures to complement those introduced by the State and Federal Governments.
With immediate effect, the following facilities are to be closed to the public:
- All Council playground facilities
- All Council barbecue areas
These closures are in addition to those taken by Council last week, at which time the public were advised of the closure of all Council managed buildings, swimming pools and information centres.
Council has also limited the public’s access to its offices, only the reception and foyer area are now open to the general public. The public is urged to utilise the phone and electronic means of communicating with Council during this time.
Mayor Knowles said, “The practice of Social Distancing is imperative in the circumstances, you need to familiarise yourself with what this means: it is the maintenance of a 1.5m buffer between yourself and others, wash or sanitise your hands regularly and practice good cough/sneeze hygiene; avoid handshaking and other physical greetings. For us to successfully achieve this, the following activities need to be avoided: group gatherings, sleepovers, children’s play dates, crowded retail stores, unnecessary visitors and non-essential workers in your home and, where possible, unnecessary use of public transport.”
The Mayor echoed the call from the Tasmania Department of Health: we all need to work together to protect people most at risk and slow the spread of coronavirus; she continued, “I urge the community to be responsible, kind, and considerate; whilst being mindful of the needs and vulnerabilities of others in these trying times. If the community works together and follows the direction of our State and Federal leaders we will place ourselves in the best position possible to overcome this deadly virus.”
Mary Knowles OAM