Funding secured for Northern Midlands Sporting Facilities
Posted on January 24, 2018
The documented raising prevalence of lifestyle related health issues in rural Tasmanian communities is one of the key drivers behind Northern Midlands Council’s commitment to providing easily accessible, high quality facilities where Northern Midlands’ residents and visitors can exercise to improve their health and well-being.
In accordance with this commitment, Council has developed master plans for the recreation grounds in the Northern Midlands, and in late 2017 made application to the State Government’s Communities, Sport and Recreation (CSR) Grants Program for funding to assist with the staged implementation of two of the recreation ground master plans; namely the Longford Recreation Ground and the Campbell Town War Memorial Oval plans.
Stage One of the Longford Recreation Ground master plan involves the renovation of the ground’s clubrooms/stadium including the provision of quality changerooms for home and visitor players and umpires, and most significantly, making the facilities fully female-friendly.
The Campbell Town War Memorial Oval Precinct master plan includes the development of a synthetic surfaced court and an asphalt/acrylic surfaced multi-purpose court for tennis, netball and Hot Shots for junior tennis players. This stage of the master plan has the full support of the Campbell Town Tennis Club and will enable the club to relocate, and to access the quality facilities of the soon to be built new multi-function centre/clubrooms at the precinct.
Mark Shelton MP today announced good news to Council: $80,000 has been allocated to each project through the 2017/18 CSR Grants Program.
“Council thanks the Hodgman Government for the funding provided towards the facility upgrade at the Campbell Town War Memorial Oval Precinct and the Longford Recreation Ground” Mayor David Downie said.
“The redevelopment of these sporting facilities demonstrates Council’s commitment to working with the State Government to achieve the goal of the Healthy Tasmania Five Year Strategic Plan – for Tasmanians to enjoy our beautiful state, in better health, living happier, longer lives” Mayor Downie concluded.