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Business and Investment

The Northern Midlands is a prime location for business developments. Factors that assist with attracting new businesses include the geographic location of the area in the heart of the State, the proximity to Launceston and its workforce, the airport and adjacent TRANSlink site, a pro-active Council and quality lifestyle.

Council's Role

Economic development was recognised as a major issue in “Tasmania Together” and this is reflected in Council’s 2007-2017 Strategic Plan in which a number of key selections address economic development issues.

Council is working in partnership with the State Government, the Northern Midlands Business Association (NMBA), the Heritage Highway Tourism Region Association (HHTRA) and Northern Tasmania Development (NTD) to develop an agreed range of strategic initiatives to boost economic growth and employment within the Northern Midlands.

NTD is the northern regional development body established by the eight councils that make up the Northern Tasmanian region. These Councils are Break O'Day, Dorset, Flinders, George Town, Launceston, Meander Valley, Northern Midlands and West Tamar.

We are a hub for local government representatives to come together, we offer intelligence on developments within the area, and we act as a springboard to further information for businesses wishing to invest.

We also manage a number of projects, which are either funded by our shareholder councils, or by State or Federal governments. Examples include the Northern Tasmania Regional Land Use Planning Project funded by the Tasmanian Planning Commission, and the Regional Tourism Initiative funded by Tourism Tasmania.

Our role is to facilitate and coordinate economic and social development. Please find following a link to our website:

Northern Tasmania Development

Northern Midlands Community Profile

Business Support Services

The Northern Midlands Business Association was formed in 1999 and welcomes as its members business operators and people interested in economic development in the Northern Midlands.

The association is managed by a Board of nine Directors. For more information on economic development in the Northern Midlands visit All your business needs in one place

In late February 2013, the Economic Development Minister, David O'Byrne, launched a one-stop-shop to support Tasmanian businesses online. The Business Tasmania site - – provides business information 24/7. It is supported by a team answering online enquiries and taking calls during the day - offering services and ideas to help businesses prosper and create jobs.

The site includes topics as diverse as:

• Starting a business.
• Growing and improving your business.
• Managing customers and suppliers.
• Employing and managing people.
• Finances, tax and insurance.
• Becoming more energy efficient.
• What is e-business?
• How and who to develop a business plan
• Grants and assistance finder
• Links to the Australian Business Account and Australian Business Licence Information Service.

Business operators are being encouraged to provide Business Tasmania with feedback on this one-stop-shop including what’s missing and what needs to be improved. Business Tasmania can be contacted via email: or phone 1800 440 026.

Economic Development

The Northern Midlands has a diverse and expanding economy. There are many business and investment opportunities in most industry sectors, but particularly in the core industries of agriculture, forestry, manufacturing, tourism and services.

Following are examples of successful businesses and industries in the Northern Midlands:

  • Australia Pacific Airports operates Launceston Airport;
  • Statewide Independent Wholesalers' Tasmanian distribution food cool store is in the TRANSlink precinct adjacent to Launceston Airport;
  • Haywards Engineering, one of Tasmania's leading steel fabrication and construction companies, is located in the TRANSlink precinct;
  • Austral Bricks operates a large ceramic brickmaking factory at Longford;
  • Swift Australia operates an export abattoir at Longford;
  • Poatina Resort Village, a superb tourist venue, is a provider of nationally accredited training courses, and an innovative employment program for young people;
  • The award winning Tasmanian Gourmet Sauce Company at Evandale processes and exports a wide range of sauces;
  • The historic properties of Woolmers Estate and Brickendon at Longford have achieved World Heritage Convict Site status by UNESCO;

The sustainable competitive business advantages of the Northern Midlands district include:

  • Transport accessibility as the district straddles the northern half of the Midland Highway connecting Hobart and Launceston; and has excellent access and transport modes;
  • TRANSlink adjacent to the Launceston Airport is a high quality industrial, business and transport precinct with substantial land available for further development (the precinct has already attracted in excess of 40 businesses);
  • Extensive rich agricultural land with the potential for further development and intensification utilising irrigation;
  • Sensitively preserved historic villages with strong heritage appeal are attracting a greater share of the tourist market and have the potential for further developments and growth;
  • The Ben Lomond National Park, towering over the district, is the State's largest single alpine area. The park is a spectacular place to walk, view wildflowers and wildlife, and to ski. The park offers commercial development opportunities;
  • Country living in close proximity to Launceston and its regional services - the best of both worlds.

For more information on economic development in the Northern Midlands visit