Northern Midlands welcomes new Aussies this Australia Day
Posted on January 25, 2018
The Northern Midlands will join towns and regions across the nation in welcoming our newest Australian citizens as part of Australia Day 2018 celebrations.
9 new citizens will choose to officially become Australian citizens at the Northern Midlands Council Australia Day ceremony at Valentine Park, Campbell Town.
Mayor David Downie, said tomorrow is a significant day to reflect on the privilege of Australian citizenship and what it means to be Australian.
“Australia Day is a time for us to give a warm welcome to our newest citizens and acknowledge the importance of what it means to become a full member of the Australian community,” Mayor Downie said.
Across Australia, almost 13,000 people from around 130 countries are set to become Australian citizens at more than 330 citizenship ceremonies on 26 January.
Mayor Downie said citizenship is the common bond uniting all Australians, whether you are a citizen by birth or by choice.
“I congratulate those becoming Australian citizens on making their commitment to Australia, and encourage everyone to come and join in on the local celebrations this Australia Day,” Mayor Downie said.
The Northern Midlands Council Australia Day event will commence at 9:00am at Valentine Park, 89 High Street, Campbell Town. Formal ceremonies will be followed by a free community BBQ and children’s activities. Australia Day Ambassador John Zeckendorf, the first Tasmanian to reach the summit of Mt Everest will address guests and also be available for questions after the ceremony.