Posted on July 13, 2023
Northern Midlands Council has taken a clear stance that it will fight any changes to its present boundaries or merge with neighbouring councils.
We are in a strong financial position with a balanced long term operating budget, cash to cover commitments/liabilities, and a capital works budget to expand and maintain infrastructure assets into the future.
Northern Midlands Council has assets including property, infrastructure, plant and equipment of some $390 million.
It has set a 2023/2024 Budget that is financially strategic, ensuring we will always have enough money for the things the municipality needs.
Our major projects for the next 12 months are:
- Extension and refurbishment of the Longford Memorial Hall $4.0m;
- Commence Main Street Improvement works of Campbell Town, Longford and Perth $5.8m, (in addition to the $8m commitment of the Labor federal government towards the continued improvement to the Campbell Town and Perth main streets);
- Replacement/upgrade of 3 concrete bridges on Liffey Road, Jones Road and Blackwood Creek Road after October 2022 flood damage $1.1m;
- Reconstruction of sections of Bishopsbourne Road near Toiberry rail crossing, and Ashby Road at Ross $1.0m;
- Development of a new public reserve at the corner of Laycock/Pultney/Wellington Streets at Longford $0.5m;
- Continuation of the urban street footpath program (Campbell Town, Cressy, Longford, Perth & Ross) $0.9m;
- Construction of new amenities at the Longford Caravan Park $0.45m;
- Road reconstruction, kerb and footpath for Youl Main Road, Perth $0.35m;
- Provision of an entrance statement on the Illawarra Road roundabout to Longford $0.2m;
- Playground Equipment upgrades at the Train Park at Perth, Pioneer Park at Evandale, and Bartholomew Park at Cressy $0.5m; and
- Implementation of large street bins and purchase of a small waste compactor vehicle $0.3m.
Northern Midlands Council has always taken a strategic approach to the renewal and replacement of community assets and has completed many projects by applying for and successfully receiving many external funding grants.
An example of this is the recent success of an application to the federal government to jointly fund a $3,732,014 project to improve the stormwater infrastructure in western Perth along Sheepwash Creek. Without the federal government’s $1,868,500 the community would need to foot the bill for these community vital infrastructure works.
We successfully lobbied for funding to the Labor federal government for a $5 million commitment to start the planning process for the Northern Midland’s proposed TRANSlink Intermodal Facility, and a further $30 million to deliver enabling infrastructure to the site once the planning work has been completed.
Would our community benefit from having its assets and strong financial position absorbed into another council?
Would a bigger conglomerate have the same enthusiasm and success in pursuing funds for our towns and community?
As Mayor I would be pleased to discuss these successes and many others.
Please take the opportunity to complete the “survey” which we will advertise shortly and have your say about the Local Government Review Board’s proposal to disband the Northern Midlands Council.
For further information, please contact Mayor Mary Knowles OAM on 0408 766 625