Sheepwash Creek flood mitigation project underway
Posted on December 24, 2020
Sheepwash Creek flood mitigation project underway
Council is forging ahead with plans to widen and realign Sheepwash Creek between Edward and Phillips Streets in Perth, with a Development Application submitted to Council’s planning authority earlier this month.
The works – which include creek widening, removal of trees, removal of fencing, and construction of a walkway – form part of a larger overall plan to mitigate flooding from Sheepwash Creek and create a multi-functional and attractive open space area for residents and visitors in west Perth.
Mayor Mary Knowles OAM said Council acquired 17,524 sqm of land from six landowners to complete the development, which will allow the area to be easily accessed for ongoing maintenance, as the current creek is very narrow and has steep banks.
“The project will enable better management of the creek, as the widening work includes a reduction in the embankment slopes, facilitating better maintenance and improved safety for Council workers and the community,” Mayor Knowles said.
“Access for maintenance, including clearing of debris, slashing and mowing is currently very difficult.
“Mitigation is needed to help protect the adjacent properties from flooding, as the creek has been under active assessment, including modelling and mapping, since 2016.
“This work identified that the current profile of the creek, between Phillip and Edward Streets, is unable to contain the 1% AEP flood. This project will enhance the capacity of the creek and mitigate the flooding of adjacent properties. It will also enable better access for maintenance and reduce the risk of blockage,” Mayor Knowles said.
Mayor Knowles said the preferred pattern for urban consolidation and future residential growth of Perth is articulated in the ‘Perth Structure Plan: A Strategy for the Future’.
“Through high quality urban design, Council is seeking to create a unique and distinctive identity for Perth that will ensure the town is a great place to live, work and visit. Two key components of the strategy are the integration of residential developments with green spaces to maintain the town’s rural aspect, and the strengthening of the physical connectivity of Perth through a new and improved network of shared use pathways.
“Sheepwash Creek is being developed as an attractive, water sensitive urban design open space corridor adjacent to residential development. The corridor will include shared use pathways and provide amenities for seating and informal play areas to create a multi-functional and attractive open space area for residents and visitors.
“Through the implementation of the strategies in the Perth Structure Plan Council will enhance Perth’s natural charm and significantly more families will be attracted to choose Perth as their home, given its planned redevelopment and growth, and close proximity to Launceston and the airport,” Mayor Knowles said.
The planning application is now closed for public comment.