Contact Us (03) 6397 7303

Cemeteries & Burial Database

The Council manages the Longford General Cemetery located at Cressy Road, Longford; and the Perth General Cemetery at Cemetery Road, Perth.

For reservations and placement of memorial plaques please contact the Council Offices on (03) 6397 7303 during normal business hours.


Online Burial Database

Search for Burials in the Northern Midlands Area


Following is a list of cemeteries located within the Northern Midlands and who is responsible for their management.

Contact information for cemeteries managed by organisations other than Council.

  • Catholic Church - (03) 6208 6222
  • Anglican Church - (03) 6391 2982
  • Uniting Church - (03) 6331 9784

You can use our Online Cemetery Register Enquiry to search cemetery records within the Northern Midlands. Please note that there may be some inaccuracies or omissions due to transcription error or incomplete records, particularly for older records and for cemeteries where Council has not been the primary record-keeper. If you believe there to be an error, please contact us with the relevant information.

Name of Cemetery Location of Cemetery Responsibility Headstone Photos Available
Avoca Anglican Stieglitz Street Anglican Church
Avoca Catholic Stieglitz Street Catholic Church
Bishopsbourne Holy Nativity Main Road Anglican Yes
Blackwood Creek Unknown
Campbell Town St Lukes Anglican Main Road Anglican Church
Campbell Town St Michaels Catholic Mason / Forster Streets Catholic Church Yes
Kerklands Cemetery, adjacent to property ‘St Johnstone” 1212 Valleyfield Road, Campbell Town Mr Hugh Skeritt 0417 508 835 or Mr Gilbert Taylor
Campbell Town Uniting Mason / Forster Streets - Off Midland Highway (North of Town) Uniting Church Yes
Cleveland Midland Highway Unknown
Conara Unknown
Cressy Holy Trinity Anglican Church Main / Saundridge Roads Anglican Church
Cressy Methodist Cemetery Saundridge Road
Cressy Columbarium Uniting Church Relocated to Longford Columbarium Cemetery
Evandale Rose Garden Murray Street Northern Midlands Council Yes
Evandale St Andrews Anglican Murray Street Anglican Church Yes
Evandale St Andrews Uniting High Street Uniting Church In Progress Map of Cemetery
Evandale Catholic Arthur Street Catholic Church
Illawarra Christchurch Anglican Illawarra Road Anglican Church Yes
Longford Catholic Howick / Park Streets Catholic Church Yes
Longford Christchurch Anglican William Street Anglican Church Yes Map of Cemetery
Longford Columbarium Cemetery Cressy Road Northern Midlands Council Yes Map of Cemetery
Longford Lawn Cemetery Cressy Road Northern Midlands Council Yes Map of Cemetery
Longford Niche Wall Cressy Road Northern Midlands Council Yes Map of Cemetery
Longford Rose Garden Cressy Road Northern Midlands Council Yes Map of Cemetery
Longford Uniting Marlborough Street Uniting Church Yes
Longford Old Methodist Marlborough Street Uniting Church Yes
Mountain Vale Methodist Liffey Uniting Church Yes
Nile St Peters Anglican Nile Road Anglican Church Yes
Perth General Cemetery Cemetery Road Northern Midlands Council Yes
Perth Niche Wall Cemetery Road Northern Midlands Council Yes
Perth St Andrews Anglican Elizabeth Street Anglican Church Yes Map of Cemetery
Ross Anglican Park / Bond Streets Anglican Church
Ross Catholic Park Street Catholic Church
Ross St Johns Waterloo Street Unknown

Council's Cemeteries Policy applies to all cemeteries managed by the Northern Midlands Council and makes provision for the day to day running of the business of the cemetery.

The policy covers a number of aspects relating to the management of Council's cemeteries, including:

  • funerals;
  • registration;
  • graves;
  • monuments;
  • plaques;
  • vases;
  • handling of floral tributes; and
  • behaviour in cemetery grounds.

It is in the public interest that cemeteries remain a peaceful place in which families and friends can pay there respects.

To view Council's Cemeteries Policy click on this link

Burial Applications

Burial Application Form for Funeral Directors

The APPLICATION FORM FOR A BURIAL within the Northern Midlands can be found HERE.

Reservation request for exclusive right of burial form can be found HERE.

For further information please call Council on (03) 6397 7303.

Please see here for Current Fees and Charges

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