Public Notice - Council Meetings Changes
Posted on April 23, 2020
Public Notice - Council Meetings Changes
Due to COVID-19, all future Council Meetings that have been scheduled will take place electronically until further notice. This unfortunately prevents public attendance.
Due to this situation the public will be unable to attend the meeting to ask questions during Public Question Time, to ensure questions can still be asked, questions can be submitted prior to the meeting and they will be read out during the meeting by Council Officers. Questions must be received by no later than 3pm on the Monday of the scheduled meeting.
Questions can be emailed to; or be hand delivered and dropped in the mail box at the front of the Council Chambers 13 Smith Street, Longford, alternatively they can be mailed to the same address.
A public recording of the meeting will be placed on Councils website as soon as practicable after the meeting.
Des Jennings