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Have Your Say on the Northern Midlands Municipality's Future

Posted on July 14, 2023

The Northern Midlands Council battles to keep our community.

The Tasmanian State Government has proposed changes to Council areas. These changes would merge the boundaries of Northern Midlands with surrounding municipalities. We would like your feedback on the proposed changes to the Tasmanian State Government, on behalf of our community.

You are also invited to participate in an independent community feedback survey conducted by independent market researchers EMRS, between Monday 17 July to Saturday 29 July.

By phone:

  • EMRS will be calling residents across the municipality from the following number: 62111222.



  • use the QR Code Take the Survey

Face to Face - Outside your local IGA at

  • Perth, 21 and 22 then 28 and 29 July
  • Longford (Hill Street), 21 and 22 then 28 and 29 July
  • Evandale, 21 and 22 then 28 and 29 July
  • Campbell Town, 21 and 22 then 28 and 29 July

We strongly encourage all residents to have their say on the Northern Midlands municipality’s future.