Longford Community Centre
Posted on May 30, 2018
In 2017 Council contracted Philp Lighton Architects to undertake a study to assess the adequacy of council’s buildings in Longford to meet current and future council and community needs. The consultants were asked to take into account the suggestion from the Longford Local District Committee of the need for a community/civic centre in the town.
The consultants have recommended that given the central location, availability of parking, and facility design, the Longford Memorial Hall on the village green has the capacity to be renovated to create a multi-functional community/civic centre.
The concept includes the provision for the side of the building facing the village green to be opened up to enable functions to integrate indoor and outdoor space.
Council welcomes community feedback on this concept.
Feedback can be provided by email to council@nmc.tas.gov.au, dropped off to the Council Offices at 13 Smith Street Longford, or posted to Council at PO Box 156 Longford TAS 7301. The closing date for feedback is Wednesday 18th July 2018.